As of today, I have another (yes another) pocket Bible that you will be able to find in my “I-carry-my-bible-books-moleskine(s)-and-wallet-in-it-bag” (not a “murse”) that I’m stoked about. Not so much, because it will help me learn this language, that some days feels impossible to learn, but because of the great things that could happen with it in this country!
About a year ago, I wrote a post, entitled Czechs’ spirituality, Life Change and the Bible…, about Sasa (Alexander) Flek, who was heading up a new translation. Well, it’s done! It should be, from what I hear, released in full by the end of the year and there are already several expressions of it out now. One of those expressions is the Novy Zakon/New Testament version that I am overjoyed to own! On one page the new NBK version (The New Bible of Kralice, or Nova Bible Kralicka) and on the other page the NLT (New Living Translation). So great! As I said, I’m stoked how this will help me, but even more stoked to stock pile these Bibles and give them out like mad to the young men I work with. Tonight I started reading the Gospel of Matthew and was very impressed with the translation. So impressed it’s hard to wait to simply get more that I can give out. Please pray that God would honor the work of Sasa and everyone that put so much time, money, love and much more into this translation. I always talk about wanting, praying for, yearning for, and laboring for a Revolution centered around the person of Jesus here in this city and country and God has given us, through the work of these dear people, a tool to help us move towards that. Please, please pray that God would use this to that extent and that lives, and this country as a whole, would be changed forever!
Anyway, I need to get to bed. Check out the website (click here) and check out the video about the translation, the translation work and a large dose of what it is like here in the Czech Republic. Yearning…
the one year mark
Today, believe it or not, is the one year mark for my return “home” or back to Prague! I can’t believe it’s already been a year! So much has transpired in the last 365 days that as I thought about a year in Prague and putting something on my blog about I didn’t know where to start or what to do. How do you attempt to sum up a year like I’ve gone through, or any year for that matter, in the last year. As I sit here looking back and reflecting over the last year I’m so grateful for what God has done, both in the ups and the downs. I think one of the biggest things that hits home with me as of late is what God taught me about my “romanticized view” of returning to Prague, that I included in my May/June monthly prayer letter. I wrote:
I have a confession, while I was away from Prague, I had a “romanticized view” of the many things back here, especially with the Lions. I think this is a common epidemic amongst human beings; we do it in a variety of ways – marriage (if we’re single), kids, singleness (once we are married, looking back, or so I’m told), and much more. Well, this year wore out my romanticized view of the Lions and has brought a HUGE degree of reality to my life and ministry with the team.
As I sit looking ahead, over what God would do, could do, in the next year I sit with a much more grounded view, but yet I’m so very optimistic to see what God is going to do. As I include pics that attempt to sum up the last year, I wonder what images will sum up the next year of life in Prague. It should be exciting to see what transpires! Thank you to each of you who pray and support what WE (that is you and I partnering together with God) do here in Prague, Europe and beyond!

Back in Prague with new friends – my roomdawg (Ernie), Mark and Jason.

I was so excited to see how God had moved in Ondra’s life while I was gone and I also dove head long into learning Czech in a class room that consisted of Chinese, Koreans, a Swede and myself.
I loved jumping back into coaching and loving on my junior team guys! Pray that God would move in their hearts!
Last fall was interesting, because I was waiting, and waiting for my shipment to come with all my stuff, it came 4 months after it was scheduled and I was so very happy that it arrived! I also was blessed to spend a week on holiday with dear Crusade friends in Athens, which was a much needed break between semesters of language class.
The second semester of Czech class brought presentations, these pics (with Gustav’s [me Swedish classmate who used to play] try to represent my attempt of trying to explain American football in Czech!
It was also a blast attending the Story of the Soul conference and working with my Polish friends on a presentation about being “World Changers”.
It was awesome to partner with my teammate and friend, Šimmí, as we taught 15 or so kids how to play American football. It was also so much fun to celebrate Gustav’s birthday with him. He makes me proud to say I have Swedish blood in my veins!
This summer also brought a visit from my very dear friends, Andy and Chelsey Garrett, that was so very refreshing. Then of course, work took me to the “Far East” which I could have never have imagined.
The Chinese loved us foreigners, it was strange feeling like a rock star! I was blessed to take my friend and teammate, Honza, with me for a life changing couple of weeks! Lastly, a short lay over in Moscow, just made me scratch my head and wonder…
Thanks for sharing the last year of life with me! May God bring a revolutionary next year!
these haunted me for 3 weeks…
Forgive me for not getting anything substantial up from our 3 week long trip to the Far East. I’ve been working on a monster prayer letter and the rest of the time has been filled up with coaching our junior team (although I put a TON of pics on my flickr, see below). I did want to share two videos with you, that haunted me and that I absolutely could not escape while I was there. One is “Beijing Welcomes You.” This song is so very true, I was so very surprised by the hospitality of nearly every person I encountered there. The second is the Adidas’ commercial for the games. It is interesting, it reminded me of something I’ve seen in the past. I won’t share, because I would love to hear what you think of it. Okay, off to cross some things off my to do list. Blessings…
zhtv 16 – aia camps
I know it has been awhile, but here you go…
zhtv #16 aia camps from Zach Harrod on Vimeo

zhtv #11 – pardubice camp
Wow, there have been quite a bit of posts this week! I’m caught up now. I got a bit behind there with things. Here is another installment of zhtv. This primarily highlights last weekend and the camp that the Lions coaching staff helped with. Enjoy it and have a blessed rest of the weekend!

As always you can subscribe to these and watch them on your computer, iPod, or something else. Click on the little guy above!
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