Junior season is in full tilt here and I’m loving coaching! It is actually cool, the more and more Czech I learn the to see how much more I love coaching these guys. Please pray that these young men wouldn’t just see an American that knows the game of football but that they would see a completely different way of coaching and living because of the the Person who has changed my life. I also have a great set up going now at home to watch football games (thanks to NFL gamepass) and this will mean being able to hang out at my place with a lot of these guys watching games and loving on them. Anyway, we won last weekend 48-0 and have a game against our rivals the Panthers tomorrow evening. For those of you who want to at least follow the scores, because lets face it, you won’t understand much of the text you could head over to the team website – lions.cz. In last weeks article I was even quoted – K tomu dodal asistent trenéra Zach Harrod: “Jsme spokojeni predevším hrou nováck?, kterí nás mile prekvapili” – to bad I said it to Honza in English! But I could have said it in Czech! The quote is about us being satisfied because we had lots of new guys and they also surprised us. Well, I’m off to enjoy a slower Saturday today…