Well hello, yes I am alive… I haven’t blogged since my birthday, in MAY?!?! Yes that is a true statement. Wow, as said before, it seems that when life accelerates here in Prague, my blog is the first thing neglected. Which is understandable but at the same point, I’m not a fan of the neglection of zACHhARROD.com! You might have been wondering, “What Zach has been up to over the last couple of months,” or you might not care at all, either way my last 3 months were filled with our AIA Czech Project, a coaches trip to Berlin, Czech Senior Nat’l Team training camp, a 2 week AIA Holland/Czech co-op Project in Southeast Czech, a much needed holiday away (in Sweden), another Czech Senior Nat’l Team training camp, a “friendly” game against Slovakia with the Czech Senior Nat’l Team and this week it’s been all Czech Junior Nat’l Team! It’s been full but great! So many great opportunities and I’m thankful that God continues to bring them and I pray that He is using me in the midst of all of these opps…. I thought it would be fun to share some vids of the Czech Senior Nat’l Team with you. We actually got a lot of press on Czech TV over the last couple of weeks, which is great for the game here in Czech. The first video is from the first news spot we were on:
The second is a quick highlight video, I threw together for the team.
Please keep the Czech Junior Nat’l Team in your prayers as we drive through the night and play our first game against Holland tomorrow. It will be tough, but if we get some sleep on the bus and don’t have mental mistakes we can win the game. Then we will take on the winner of the Great Britain – Serbia game on Sunday, if we win and the loser if we lose. It will be a whirlwind weekend as we leave Prague at 6:00 pm Thursday night and will get back at 8:00 am on Monday! Pray for a safe trip, hard fought games, no injuries and spiritual convos! If you want to read more about the tournament click here. BE A REVOLUTION!
greetig from Holland
HC Dutch Junior Lions
Youth Football is the future
why do you trivialize G_d by invoking His name in honor of mere sport? You take the Lord’s name in vain in this way.
I pray for you, I pray that you continue your journey toward the lord and learn to use prayer for those truly in need.
Thanks for your prayers. God surely knows that I need them. I however, was disappointed to read that you feel I’m using the Lord’s name in vain and that I don’t “use” prayer for those truly in need. In the Bible I see a God that loves people, a do what I do within sports because God loves people and people are in the sports world. I would say that you might be playing God, in judging who is “truly in need” of prayer, because at the end of the day each of us are and I truly believe asking people to pray for the young men I coach is terribly important. If you notice, I didn’t pray for a victory, but for safe travel. Is there something wrong with that?
Furthermore, what is prayer? I don’t view prayer as something we can “use.” Prayer is a tool, true, but prayer in it’s simplest form is communicating with God. I don’t pray to get something, I pray to be in relationship with my creator. If people view prayer as something we “use” then in essence we are saying we can “use” God for things. I don’t want to use God, but want to be used by Him. Those are my priorities.
Thank again for your thoughts and prayers. I pray for you as well… Grace….