I’ve mentioned before how I love to create, how I really valuing creating and how I love creatives in general (see here) and one of those expressions has been photography. This is even more true now that I have a real camera (Boom D90!), thanks Mom, Dad and a friend who helped out as well! I’ve loved learning and I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m a hack! But I love it nonetheless! I have some friends (Mark and Amber specifically) who really inspire me to learn what I’m doing a capture images that will move people in some way. With that said, I’ve posted a bunch of new pics over at flickr. It’s really hard for me no to post more pics, but I try to limit it to the ones I like the most. I thought I would share a few of those here on my blog. Each of the pics is in a set over at flickr, so if you like to see more click away!
Barcelona Set

Riegl Wedding

Flying with Adam

Ernster Wedding

Quick Trip to Seattle

Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you enjoyed the pics… Now go create, in whatever way the Great Creator (that’s God) gave you the ability to create!