Well, maybe not. It would be nice if they did. So in all my “Mac evangelism” I’ve seen the occasional friend do the big SWITCH (that is from pc to a Mac), the latest is my good friend from Ohio, Troy Havens. Last night was a huge blessing because Troy and I got to get on iChat and catch up with one another and pray for each other! Priceless indeed! Thanks for taking some time for me Troy! Check out some snapshots of us chatting, Troy even showed me his black eye. I don’t think you shared that story with me Troy! Well, I have to get some time with God before going to have my daily drilling in Czech class! Be a Revolution, even if you’re getting drilled by a ridiculously hard language!
Troy says
hilarious pic! freakin awesome man! ive been getting questioned about the (eyeliner) aka black eye all week. Who seriously gets a shiner on the top of their eye. It was sweet catching up. Love you dude.
Troy says
by the way…my name is troy not tory. thanks zcah
zharrod says
Sorry bro. For the record I used your name 5 times (I think) and I misspelled it once! Give a guy a break!