So I’m putting some of the finishing touches on my work for Bible Interaction tomorrow. I should probably let you know what that is! See while I am at the Athletes in Action World Training and Resource Center we spend Mondays and Fridays in the office. Mondays consist of Bible Interaction homework (which is digging into a book of the Bible and learning as much as possible about the background of it and then we answer 7 questions from a portion of that book). Then after Bible Interaction we have some one come in and pour into us for several hours, the teaching we receive ranges from practical ministry skills to life skills to you name it! It’s great! For tomorrow we are looking at Romans 12 (one of my favorite chapters of the whole Bible) and one of the questions has been a punch to the stomach for me. It isn’t the most profound question but it has rocked me! Here it is and below are my answers! I pray God uses it in your life as well!
5. Make a list pulling out each command from vv. 9-21. Make sure you understand what each one means and is asking from you (you might consult a good commentary or bible with notes). As you reflect on this list of admonitions, which are most difficult for you to live out and why?
List of Commands:
- Abhor (hate) what is evil
- Hold fast to what is good
- Love with brotherly affection
- Outdo one another in showing honor
- Don’t be slothful (lazy, apathetic and etc.) in zeal
- Be fervent (passionate, eager) in spirit – literally “Set of Fire!â€
- Serve the Lord
- Rejoice in hope
- Be patient in tribulation
- Be praying all the time!
- Contribute to the needs of others (here specifically Christians)
- Be hospitable!
- Bless those who hate you in any way
- Bless and don’t cuss them out!
- Rejoice with the rejoicing
- Weep with the weeping
- Live in harmony
- Don’t be haughty (proud, conceited, in other words yourself Zach!)
- Associate with the have-nots, or the marginalized!
- Don’t be conceited – it’s interesting Paul stated this twice
- Repay no evil act with evil
- Live at peace with all
- Don’t take vengeance into your hands, leave it for God!
- Feed you enemy
- Give your enemy water when he is thirsty
- Don’t overcome evil with evil BUT WITH GOOD!
The most difficult for me to live out are:
- Love with brotherly affection – My bent isn’t to love in this way, this is a sacrificing, selfless love and usually I love when it helps me.
- Outdo one another in showing honor – The outdo part seems easy for me, but what Paul is getting at here is tough for me. He is telling us to consider others and honor them above ourselves and to strive to outdo one another in making ourselves nothing for the sake of our neighbor! Dang, help me Jesus!
- Rejoice in hope – I get bogged down by the situations.
- Be patient in tribulation – Patience isn’t a strong suit I want things to happen five minutes ago generally!
- Be praying all the time! – It is again against my bent to pray constantly, b/c all too often I am dependent on no one but myself.
- Contribute to the needs of others (here specifically Christians) – I’m tight fisted by nature, but as the Gospel takes root in my heart and soul more and more
- Be hospitable! – I like my world to be my world and I find it hard to bring others in.
- Don’t be haughty (proud, conceited, in other words yourself Zach!) – Well, I think I answered this. I have the tendency to get intoxicated on myself and not to view myself with sober judgment as Paul exhorted of the Romans, and me, in v. 3.
- Don’t be conceited – it’s interesting Paul stated this twice
So crack open your Bible crack open that Bible and look at vv. 9-21 of Romans 12 (or click here)and ask God, “What are you trying to say to me in these commands and where do I need growth? Where do I need You, God, to show up and teach me and transform (v.2) me and renew (v.2) my mind?” May God transform you and I so we live this verses out in our world. How different would it look? How different would our local churches look if we lived these out? WOW!
On a totally different note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEAUTIFUL 12 YEAR OLD SISTER, MIKAELA, TODAY! Twelve years ago God blessed my family by bringing this little miracle baby girl into our family! I thank God each day for you Mikaela! I love you!
This is Peter Kapur, Brian Borkovec’s good friend, whom you also met in Prague. What is your email address?? Please write me at Thanks.