Hello from Prague. We hope and pray this email finds you doing well. We wanted to reach out to you today the day before 2017’s #GivingTuesday. Tomorrow throughout the day we will share stories on different social media platforms – Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, so make sure you are following us at @zachharrod and @misaharrod so you can learn and hear more about our story and the story that God has written for Prague!
With that said, #GivingTuesday is tomorrow and we would like to ask that you pray for us, as this year closes we have some significant needs. Here’s a list of some of our needs, as we close out the year.
- Roughly $1500/monthly support – this is key for us, as from our monthly giving we receive our salary, insurance, benefits and etc. This is what allows us to be in Prague.
- In February Zach will travel to the States with three coaches (Kuba, Miloš and Lukáš) for a coach’s trip, to not only grow in our football knowledge, but also to give Zach a chance to speed significant time with these coaches. Each coach is providing $500 for the trip and we are raising the funds for the rest. The trip costs roughly $6000.
- One-time support for events that we have every month. Last week we hosted, with our friends from our Missional Community (MC), Thanksgiving for around 40 people. On average we need about $500/month for these types of events, so that we can be generous. We have learned that when we are generous our Christian and even not-yet Christian friends become more and more generous.
- Upsizing our car – We are looking for a wise and economic way to upsize our car, as our family is already too big for the smaller car we have. Upsizing will also allow Zach to haul around more players and more equipment.
- Junior Jerseys – We’ve been working hard for two years to raise funds for new junior jerseys. So far we have raised $6000, we are still working on the last $3000. If you would like to help with this, you can take advantage of our non-profit, Interception Foundation.
A couple weeks ago we had a moment to finally check our account with our organization, TEAM, and we discovered that in the midst of life and, largely, people retiring, our monthly support has taken a dip that very soon will affect us. We put this short video together to share with friends who have not been supporting us financially, in hopes that God would use it to stir their hearts to be part of His story for Prague and Czech.
Partner with teamHarrod in Prague from Zach Harrod on Vimeo.
Thank you for being you. Thank you for taking the time to open this and read this. We are thankful for you. If you live in or around Lake Geneva or Oshkosh, we will be having two OPEN HOUSES – November 30th from 6pm-8pm at Simple Cafe in Lake Geneva and December 4th from 5pm-8pm at RiverValley Church in Oshkosh. Please come out and see us, and feel free to bring a friend or 10!
With that said, thank you for taking the time to read and watch the videos here. Please let us know if you have any questions or want to help. THANK YOU!
Míša, Zach & Ollie