I just wanted to wish you the happiest of Thanksgivings from Prague! While Czechs, don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, as it’s an American or Canadian holiday, that doesn’t stop us from sharing some “Thanksgiving Love” with out Czech friends! I recently uploaded a few pictures from our Thanksgiving party at the Sports University we work at here, click here to see all of them.
Here’s Micah and I getting our “pilgrim” and “indian” on! I know the first Thanksgiving was far more peaceful than this picture, but Micah and I like to have fun!

We had a “Thanksgiving Tree” at the party (by the way, the tree is my art work! ;-)), where people wrote on leaves what they are thankful, it was moving to see what everyone was thankful for! I’m thankful for many things, but one of those things I’m thankful for are the wonderful ministry partners that long to see Czechs turn to God in thankfulness! Thank you for being you and supporting what God is doing here! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

What are you thankful for on this Thanksgiving of 2011?