Hello world, my name is Zach and I do have a blog! Recently, I picked up my phone and my father was on the other end of the line, he asked, “What’s up with your website?” As I have said before, when life seems to be getting the most of me, my blog is the first thing to go. I apologize profusely for this and as I wrap up the year that was 2010, I’m trying to think through how I can write more and keep this blog more updated in 2011. So here is a quick entry to end the year right on my blog and hopefully set the tone for 2011 (will it really be 2011?!?!? Crazy!)
So what had been keeping me busy this fall? These guys and everything going on around them! (By the way, F.A.M.I.LY. stands for Forget About Me I Love You. We disovered this from Rutgers University. I love what it teaches. To put my team and teammates before myself!)

My fall was full of x’s and o’s, practices, game plans, conversations, games and lots of time with my team of 50+ guys (including coaches)! I loved it and more over I love these young men. I’m so blessed to be able to to be their coach and then some (or I least attempt to by more than a coach) to them. This season got off to a different start for us as we had our training camp outside of Prague, which included a leadership program we call “Srdce Lva” (“Heart of Lion”). In our leadership program, we discuss and ponder our team values – Tradition, Courage, Hardwork and Faithfulness/Loyalty. Beyond covering our team values, we talk about being a champion on and off the field, making a positive difference in our teammate’s lives and on our greater society and more! One of the greatest things about my fall, was that these young men bought into the plan and the program.
Them buying in carried us through our season and into the Championship game, which we won 34-23 over our cross-town rivals, the Prague Panthers. It was a hard fought game on both sides, but when it was said and done, our guys held on and we came out as Back-to-Back Champs! Here are a couple of vids. The first one, is our entrance to the field, which I happened to borrow from The Ohio State. It’s called “the Hive” and it represents that no one can divide us and we are a team to the very end. I hope this becomes a tradition amongst the Lions for years to come in some form, because I believe it is one of the greatest values we can teach the kids, that no matter what it is better to forgive and fight for unity than to divide! That’s character! The second video is our Championship Game highlight video!
I also said that we try to teach, and live out, that we want to be Champions off the field. I think I can, humbly, say that has happened this fall. Parents thanked me for an improvement in their sons grades (we did grade checks) and over all approach to life. How cool is that?! I received some of the most heart felt text messages and emails from parents and players! It’s worth it! They are worth it! In stressing being champions off the field, we also try to do good things for others. Recently, a few of us visited one of Prague’s main hospitals to bring some Christmas cheer, joy, gifts and motivation to children who are battling through cancer! Here is a short video from our visit.
If you are wondering what the Dominate shirts and bracelets are visit my friend’s, Phil, facebook page Cancer Kicker to find more information about how Phil is dominating Cancer! You can also join the domiNATION there!
There you have it, finally a new post and a new update! Thanks for all two of you that continue to stop by! Have a Revolutionary Christmas!