Hello out there. I’m sorry I have falling off the map with blogging as of late, it’s my desire to get back in the blog saddle again real soon. I’ve been in the midst of trying to raise support, then get back to Prague, then settle in and now I’m prepping hardcore for football starting next week. Your prayers would be coveted in the midst of all that is going on right now and getting ready to start the season.
With that said, I have to get to work, but I wanted to share this video with you and ask you the simple question, “What will you do or have you done to reach the unreached today?” This video encouraged me, challenged me and much more.
This world is indeed a lost, hurt and dying place. Jesus calls you and I, as Christ-followers, to reach and make an impact on the world. So what will you do today to reach the lost, dying in your world where you are today, BUT what will you do to reach those who are across the ocean? After all we are called to be both local and global. I hope this challenges you as it challenged me today! Grace to you and I, and as we rest in that grace GO be a REVOLUTION!
(HT-JD Greear)
heather says
LOVE this song…good stuff
zharrod says
Yeah it’s a great song… I think it’s an interesting mix of the music on the vid.