…for the long weekend.

Here we go on a quick rundown, counter clockwise from the tope:
- Book that I’ve wanted to read for sometime – How the Irish Saved Civilization
- iPod Touch – Loaded with music, not movies, only music and the ‘soundtrack’ of my weekend!
- passport
- ESV Bible
- Water free hand sanitizer – say no to the swine flu!
- tissues
- Lonely Planet Austria Travel book
- Death By Love by Mark Driscoll
- My new Nikon D90, Christmas present, that I will snap hundreds of pics and even do some future zhtvs? I’m also taking the manual, I just need to get over my “I don’t want to read the manualness.”
So clutch… What are your ‘normal’ travel companions? Ok, I’m out the door! Have a great weekend! I will be on Twitter, so you can follow things there as I experience life and God over this weekend! Be a revolution!
Dude, where are the Institutes of the Christian Religion on this list? Tighten up, brother! 🙂 ha