Ready or not here I go… So the bags (I did pack light! I have one bag, plus my “murse“. Ok that doesn’t sound right, let’s call it my I-carry-my-bible-books-moleskine(s)-and-wallet-in-it-bag. That sounds better.) are packed and I’m gearing up for the most driving I’ve done since the last week of August 2007. I drove across town today to drop off some goods to one of the camps, before going to church to run the A/V and lead the prayer, and once I got to church my blood pressure was definitely a bit higher than normal. I realized there are infinitely more reasons NOT to own a car when living in a city like Prague! So many… One of them being the ridiculous amount of money it took to fill this car up I’m using and it is a small European car! Please pray that this week goes well and that God moves in deep, significant ways in each of these 6 camps! Here are two of the places I’m driving past/staying near. Oh I love this country…

Not bad… Thanks for stopping by and the prayers!
Hey bro,
Hope all of your travels are going well and that you’re seeing good things happening.