This week has been filled with things I hadn’t expected and I’ve had a lot more late nights than my body is used to. So when the alarm clock went off, I thought, “It’s my Birthday I can sleep and I don’t have to go to school.” Well, I’m going in a little late so I can enjoy my full cup of coffee without rush, but I have to get to class today. So as I stumbled out of my bedroom, my roommate, Ernie, came out with his classic Ernie smile and said, “Hold on I got something for you.” I then waited 10 minutes, and began to worry. But no worries… He brought out a big cookie with 28 candles and was playing a ragae Happy Birthday Song he found on iTunes last night. Too funny and a special way to start my day (thank you Ernie). Here is the cookie…
I thought it would be fun to ponder 28 reflections for each of my 28 years. Some are thoughtful and some are complete nonsense! I hope you enjoy!
- By God’s grace, I seem to grow more appreciative (most days) of each moment with every year that passes.
- Even though I realize I’m young my body doesn’t feel like I’m AS young (I know it will only get worse).
- The days only continue to move faster and faster.
- I’m still excited to get older and the wisdom that comes with age.
- I think it is safe to say I’ve finally gone through puberty (see earlier pictures with me and my beard).
- There are an infinite amount of life experiences that are ahead of me, that I can’t wait for and also some that bring a healthy fear of God to my life.
- I find the life that God has lead me into terribly interesting.
- I don’t own a car, a house or many of the other things that friends that are my age own. Interesting…
- I never thought I would be here, doing what I do; i.e. I will walk out the door within 20 minutes and go to class to learn a language. Is this really my job?
- At any moment God is ready to bring somethings, or someone to my life I feel more grounded and ready than I’ve ever felt.
- I love the adventure of a life that I live.
- I’ve found God bringing a beautiful continence (or steadiness) to my life, that has allowed me to trust Him in ways that are not inherent to my personality and demeanor.
- I like being a twenty-something.
- I don’t know yet about the thirty-something thing, but bring it on in a short two years.
- This has been one of the most challenging years of the 28 years I’ve been alive thus far, which brings some sober thoughts because I know there will be more challenges ahead.
- It is strange being 10 years older than a good portion of the guys I play American football with here in Prague.
- My littlest sister is 13! A teenager, I think this is one of the scariest things about getting older is seeing her go from a baby to toddler to little girl to teenager to…. I’m starting to hyperventilate, I’m stopping there!
- I long to see God overhaul my heart each day and let my heartbeat match His.
- People are ever changing and yet at the same point some people don’t change at all. This is extremely paradoxical for me.
- My longing for the Czech nation to experience a Jesus revolution has never been stronger.
- I’ve finally stepped up to the plate of adulthood and I’m taking things seriously that I’ve scoffed at or deliberately ignored in the past.
- Even though, I feel good about stepping up to the plate of adulthood, I find myself missing the simplicities of youth. I long to enter into the fantasy world of James M. Barrie (the author of Peter Pan) some days.
- I’m learning more and more about dependency upon God and a healthy dependency on the people he has put around me.
- I have learned that with being dependent upon the Sovereign Creator that He must move, He most do the work and I can’t force his hand. It’s Him. Him.
- I find that I have to wake up to go to the bathroom more at night and I struggle to sleep in. Is this a sign of getting older?
- I dearly love my family more with each passing day and find God bringing a deeper appreciation of them. (I LOVE YOU Mom, Dad, Mikaela and Megan!)
- I can’t believe I actually came up with 28 reflections and also that I have 28 years to ponder!
What will God bring in this 28th year of life? I’m excited to anticipate God’s movements over the next year. What will I be thankful for on this day next year? Thanks for stopping by today and thanks for being a reader!
Hey Zach!
Sorry this is a bit late (I was building houses in New Orleans all week), HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope it was amazingly great and God blesses you with many many more!