Need I say more?

It seems to get rougher, and rougher for us Americans, who get paid in dollars, to live over here. Each day it is a new record low! Here is the wonderful rate today – 15.88! The scary thing is, we don’t see relief in sight! I don’t bring up polictics much here at, but can someone in the government hook a brother up and do something to give us some relief from the horrible dollar!?
I suggested just yesterday that we pay you all in gold, but that might not be cost effective. It will come around.
That would be interesting… Thanks for the idea! Miss ya!
Gold sounds good, but platinum would be better. Or with the internet couldn’t you just work from Oshkosh or Lake Geneva and broadcast yourself to Prague?
Might be cheaper. 🙂
I agree it will get better, but maybe it is time for us states side to step up.