I like following musicians that might not be widely known and some years ago I started listening to Justin McRoberts and I have followed his music since I first heard him. I’m not sure if he is widely known, or not, but he should be! Today I was on iTunes and I noticed his new alblum Deconstruction just released. Good stuff. I really enjoy it. You should check it out. But after I listened to it, his other albums I own started playing in my iTunes player as I worked, and I found myself singing them out loud. Much to the chagrin of my roommate, Ernie. One of the songs, Holy Ground nearly brought me to tears as I listened and sang it out loud. I thought I would share it with you! Here are the lyrics!
To see with the eyes of a lover
To see in the way a lover sees see with my heart
To see with the eyes of a lover
To see in the way a lover sees
Deeper than even the loved can see
Now it’s not just bushes burning, the street’s on fire
My heart is learning
Every footstep falls on holy ground
Every house a church where hope is found
To touch with the hands of the artist
To feel in the way the artist feels
The shape of the piece before it’s revealed
Every day a chance to make it right
Every morning victory over night
Every kiss a kiss that breaks a spell
Every wound that bleeds, every aching need every bush is burning
Every broken smile, every midnight mile every bush is burning
Every lie believed, every truth received, every bush is burning
Every single moment that we share, every bush is burning.
Oh how these words hit home in my heart. I guess this song could kind of be an anthem for me and my life. May every step we take fall upon holy ground as we take Christ with us where ever we go. May your home, may my home, be turned into a church that loves and reaches out to a broken and hurting world. May we see with the eyes of the One who loves more than we could ever begin to imagine! Blessing to you this Sunday…