I wish I could go the National Resurgence Conference 2008: Text & Context, but alas I’m on the wrong side of the pond! It’s a very cool promo video though and I look forward to listening to ALL the sessions for free on the Resurgence site! I hope to have the net running in my place by late next week, so hopefully the frequency of posts will increase. I am alive and well here! I just don’t have a lot of net time to write, blog, or email. Hopefully this will change soon. Nothing seemingly happens quickly around here! Blessings…
resurgence conference…
I wish I could go the National Resurgence Conference 2008: Text & Context, but alas I’m on the wrong side of the pond! It’s a very cool promo video though and I look forward to listening to ALL the sessions for free on the Resurgence site! I hope to have the net running in my place by late next week, so hopefully the frequency of posts will increase. I am alive and well here! I just don’t have a lot of net time to write, blog, or email. Hopefully this will change soon. Nothing seemingly happens quickly around here! Blessings…