…with that in mind, today, I said, “Why not,” and this happened….

As my dear friend, and director (Billy), and I rode the 217 Bus back from the office today, he asked me, “So what are you going to do with my clippers?” The clippers that I used for what you see above! I smiled and said, “I like my hair, but it’s all going, why not, huh?” He said,”You kind of got the deranged, struggling artist look going.” Ok, he didn’t say, “deranged,” but I thought it was fitting! So in my opinion, I traded it, for “Deranged Convict.” What do you think? Make the world of zACHhARROD.com land marvel at your wittiness, what descriptions do you got? Share them, but make sure they don’t hurt my feelings too much!
By the way, I do like change. Sometimes change for the sake of change is great. It keeps people, and me, on their toes! Love it. Now I’m heading to bed. Good night world!