So I wanted to get a real post up today, but it didn’t happen. Wah, wah… BUT Check out my flickr site, because I put some pics up from a coworkers’/friends’ hockey game from a few weeks ago, and pics from the half marathon today. I love the new camera my parent’s and a friend hooked me up with back in at Christmas. (Thanks again guys!)Enjoy the pics and these two videos, one that is just beautifully creative and the other that is outrageously/very cool creative.
want to travel prague? think again!
Prague’s Franz Kafka International Named World’s Most Alienating Airport
Want to travel Prague? Think again! Tim Lyle (friend, AIA volunteer, and hoops star) sent us this video from The Onion this week, it’s funny. But rest assure, it’s not true! Or is it true? 😉
a “flash” back, get it?
I loved this show. I was inspired to search for it and I found the intro! Why hasn’t a legit movie been made of The Flash? Oh the outrage!
joy in a number…
zhtv #19 – merry christmas/veselé vánoce
zhtv #19 – merry christmas/vesele? va?noce from Zach Harrod on Vimeo.
Elf Yourself too! Everybody is doing it! Merry Christmas! Veselé Vánoce!
eclectic/old school style and me…
This a completely random post, but I thought it would be fun. So here is a confession, over the past couple of years I feel that my true self has come out more and more. There was a moment, somewhere in high school, where I thought, “I’m the head football coach’s son, the captain of the football team and etc…..” When I thought that, I began making subconsciousness decisions to become someone I wasn’t. That someone was the all-American, clean-cut, golden boy who was what everyone else wanted him to be, so to speak. With that said, since I first moved to Europe, and I guess right before too, I’ve been on a rediscovery of ‘who is Zach Harrod.’ It’s been cool, because this isn’t merely evident, nor dictated, by my style or the things I choose to wear, but it is a reflection of it, to a degree. As I what I choose to wear is a reflection, of sorts, of my true self, I’ve seen that I’ve grown more and more comfortable in my own flesh and who I am in Christ. Which then leads to the out-workings of this in what I wear, watch, listen to, say, read and etc. So this is a circle of sorts, but the circle originates in me truly discovering who I’ve been made to be and not what I think others want me to be. It has been a fun adventure of rediscovery and I love feeling like I’m me and not some vanilla version of me.
Anyway, I’ve mentioned before, that I’ve been enjoying checking out the ART OF MANLINESS blog over the last month or so, and one of the posts that was entertaining was 10 Outdated Men’s Fashions That Still Have The Charm. The reason being because I love to combine old-school with contemporary and it usually leads to a bit of ‘eclecticness’, which I’m finding is very much part of me. As I read it and looked at the pictures I realized something! I want a cool pair of knickers!

I’m a fan. (btw click on the pic to see the actual pic) I’m also a fan of the hat he is rocking in the pic, and am intrigued by the guy who makes this particular hat. So I tried to find some ‘knickers’ in the same vein yesterday, well I learned that I shouldn’t do google searches for ‘knickers!’ It was more than a bit suspect! So if you know of any place where I can peruse a selection of knickers like you see above, hook a brother up with some info! Um yeah, I just thought I’d share a little randomness, or ‘eclecticness’ I guess, with you this Sunday afternoon. Here is a little bit of me that my good friend Mark Stewart captured as of late. Check out his pics, he’s a stud!

Well, have a blessed Sunday!
the art of manliness
So I’m a pro at procrastinating sometimes, especially when it comes to blogs (which is something I’m continually trying to work on!)! Last week, while I was reading my friend’s blog, (Steve McCoy) I stumbled upon this:

I love it! They encourage men, to be men! That is putting it simply, but what it doesn’t mean is men being shovanist pigs who are passive and pounding their chests, while loudly grunting. It however means, being real men, who take initiative to lead and lead well, who turn off the porn, who honer women as they should be honored and much, much more! I love it and I think many of us men could learn some manliness lessons from it. I’m no expert in being this type of man, but, Lord-willing, I’m growing into being this type of man. There are hours of procrastinating, that could be spent reading this blog, but here are two quick summaries to two entries I enjoyed. Click on the titles to read the whole entry.
The Brad Pitt Rule
Imagine that instead of you, Brad Pitt had asked this same woman out. Would she use the same excuse with him? If Brad Pitt asked her on a date, would she still say she had to study or was going to the movies with friends that night? Nope. She would have dropped pretty much anything and everything to be able to accept a date with Brad.
How to Give and Take Criticism like a Man
How to Give Effective Criticism
Go in cool, calm, and collected.
Be specific.
Criticize the action, not the person.
Be a diplomat.
Make specific suggestions for improvement.
Personalize your approach.
Point out positives.
Follow up.
How to Take Criticism
Consider the source.
Shut your trap and listen.
Don’t take it personally.
Stay calm (even if the other person is being a complete jerk).
Ask clarifying questions.
Take ownership of your mistake.
Change your perspective on criticism.
Thank your critic (even when they handed your butt to you).
Take action and follow up.
Good stuff, check out the site! I’m off to bed…
things to remember today, no matter who wins!
“He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.” Hebrews 1:3
“He leads priests away stripped and overthrows the mighty. He makes nations great, and he destroys them; he enlarges nations, and leads them away.” Job 12:19, 23
“He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” Daniel 2:21
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” Psalm 20:7
“But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.” Matthew 5:18, 19
No political commentary, but some Biblical commentary that should affect the way all of us think, what we believe and how we live. May the Church live in such a counter-cultural way in this intersting season that we make those who are outside go, “hmmm.” I’m thankful that Jesus is on his throne yesterday, today and even tomorrow!
guess who flew in?
Much to my surprise, my super hero friend flew in tonight!

Yeah, kind of resurrected from the dead. My dear friend, and former Campus Ministry director, tried to shut down Spider Tights gig back at UW-O, but he, Spider Tights, knows no bounds and made an appearance tonight!
i just broke out in a chorus of hallelujah!

“WOW!” “REALLY!” “IT CAN’T BE!” These were some of the things that went through my mind last night, when I was hanging out with my two of my dear friends and one of them received a text message about the exchange rate being above 19! See some time ago I posted an entry when the exchange rate was nearing 14 CZK to the US Dollar, well it almost got down to 13. This was a big strain on most of the expats living here, including me. Things have changed right now and I think I will visit a ATM today! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!