With leaving Ohio (Lord-willing Thursday!) and needing a leaving piece with people here I wanted to throw a quick video about my team coming up on the site (and on DVD too!). So it’s posted in the Lions Coming page, as well as below. If you haven’t Czeched out the Lions Coming page please do so. You can also download a pdf copy of the Info Packet about the team coming. God has opened some doors for this, but I’m praying and trusting God to do something bigger than we can imagine. Enjoy the video… Praying to God above that I can be a revolution today and tomorrow and the day after that and so on and so on!
missionary heart
This morning, I woke up a bit groggy from a late night of a bachelor party (don’t think of it in the “world’s” terms please!) for my good friend Andy Garrett who is getting married tomorrow and I clicked through my links! Well, Piper posted a note from a woman who was a missionary in Iraq who was martyred in 2004. It was moving note and I bolded some points that express my heart very, very well! I hope this encourages you to recklessly follow our Great GOD who sends each believer out as a missionary to reach the world! Click here for the whole post from Piper.
Dear Pastor Phil and Pastor Roger,
You should only be opening this in the event of death.
When God calls there are no regrets. I tried to share my heart with you as much as possible, my heart for the nations. I wasn’t called to a place; I was called to Him. To obey was my objective, to suffer was expected, His glory my reward, His glory my reward . . .
The missionary heart:
* Cares more than some think is wise
* Risks more that some think is safe
* Dreams more than some think is practical
* Expects more than some think is possible.I was called not to comfort or to success but to obedience. . . .
There is no Joy outside of knowing Jesus and serving Him. I love you two and my church family.
In His care,
Salaam, Karen
true home…
Tonight I got a hard phone call from a friend who works with Athletes in Action with me about a former AIA staff member, and friend, who tragically past away this morning in a freak car accident. This friend, Liz, was my age and her and I had some overlap here in Ohio before she left staff. I got to know her a lot deeper through hearing the story of Christ woven into her life as she was one of the first people I heard share their story during a Friday “Family Story Time” that we have at the Training Center here in Ohio. Liz had some trying moments over the years but the redemptive power of Christ in her life was evident and it was obvious that Jesus was at work in her life.
Needless to say, my mind has been spinning since I received the call. I was reminded of a song, I’ve been singing a ton with getting ready to go “home” to Prague come this fall, but the song is obviously about the true Home of those who know Christ – Heaven. There are many pieces of Scripture that hit home this point that the Christian’s home is indeed Heaven and not this world.
But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself. Philippians 3:20
This doesn’t make this event any less tragic, nor sad, BUT for the Christian it gives hope. Hope that there is more than this broken world that is full of so much hurt, death, and sin. It makes me long and ache for Heaven! So the words to Shawn McDonald’s song are below and a brief YouTube clip of the song as well. I pray they make you ponder your life here and your life to come. Because after all none of us are guaranteed tomorrow… Please do pray for Liz’s friends and family in the midst of the dark clouds that have swirled into their lives today.
I’ve seen enough to say that I know
That this old world is not my home
From lustful eyes and tainted lies, pride to hide the way that I
The way that I feel inside
I am ready to go home
I’m packing my bags and I’m hitting the road
I am ready to go home
I’m packing my bags and I’m hitting the road
I’m packing my bags and I’m hitting the road
Yes, I’m gonna run, I’m gonna run for my home
To stand in the sight of the Living God
That’s where I’m longing to be
body work…
One of my favorite statues, of one of my favorite Czechs (Jan Hus – or in English John Hus), is getting some body work. I read the Prague Post this morning to learn the revetting news! It is sad for all the tourist this season who won’t be able to see the famous statue of Mr. Hus, the great reformer! If you want to read the whole article click here, but below is a quote about Hus from the article.
Hus, one of the most famous figures in Czech history, was the Protestant religious reformer who inspired a reformed church in Bohemia almost a century before the Lutheran Reformation. He was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church in 1411 and burned at the stake four years later. Pope John Paul II apologized for the death in 1999.
Hus is also known for inventing the system of diacritics, or spelling symbols, in modern written Czech, and was a former rector of Charles University.
Have a blessed Revolutionary day! This is my last day on campus too, please pray! Why don’t you leave a comment letting me know how I can pray for you!
the suffering at vt
I’ve been working through my morning blog roll and I thought in light of things going on at Virginia Tech I would post part of a post over at Desiring God’s blog. My heart and prayers go out to the many who are suffering as a result of this atrocity that was committed on Monday. I have some loose ties to VT through a close friend and former AIA staff guy, Reid Monaghan, at VT. If you would like to read Reid’s thoughts about the events at VT, click here. I’ve been praying that God would move in the midst of this tragedy. As Christians, we have a hope that the rest of the world doesn’t have. That hope is the resurrection! When the dark clouds of tragedy sweep in I cling to the hope of the Empty Tomb, because in it we see God taking a bleak and ugly event and bring something beautiful from it – the Resurrection of Jesus!
“Death is swallowed up in victory.”
“O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?”
1 Corinthians 15:54-55
I pray the Lord ministers to you and other’s through Piper’s 21 Ways to minister to those who are suffering.
[Read more…]
new recruiting tool
One of the things I wanted to do before I leave Ohio was to create a brochure that could be used to recruit college football players who are about to graduate and who have a desire to use their sport to reach the Czech Republic and beyond. Well, here it is for your viewing pleasure. It actually came together pretty nice. Needless to say I am learning Photoshop. Or at least slowly learning it. To see the whole brochure click HERE. Please do pray for laborers in Czech. I would love to have some guys come over with football to help with the workload I have over there! Have a Revolutionary Day!
the last week…
As I sit and look ahead to this week there are many feelings and thoughts going on in my heart and mind! Last night (see pics), we had our end of the year party with some of our Wilmington students at my director’s house. It was a bitter-sweet moment with some of my guys that were there. As I sat there watching them play Wii, I thought, “After this week, these guys are our of my immediate hedge of influence, protection and etc. at the end of this week.” Which is a place that we all have to come to at points in our lives, but its not easy. So will you please pray for me and my guys, actually God’s guys, this week? Pray that God would enable me to finish strong this week and that in some way that these guys would have some tracks to run on and what not. Thank you.
a changed life
I thought it would be fun to post this picture this morning. I’ve posted (see here, and here, and here) before about my friend Ondra who came to know the Lord while I was in Czech for my first 18 month STINT. Ondra’s changed life has been fuel for my heart while I’ve been away from Prague the last year and a half. “Why?” you ask. The reason, is because God has used Ondra to shape my vision for Czech! It is possible, by the grace of God, to reach country of nearly 90% atheists! Ondra is evidence of that!
Anyway, you are probably wondering about the picture above. While I was in Prague I met Phil and Shanna Davis, who are planting a church to the expat community with World Harvest. I’ve missed Phil and Shanna and their two great kids! But since I left I connect Ondra and Phil. Ondra has grown and blossomed within the loving care of Phil since I’ve been gone. Well, this past Sunday Phil and his team launched their new church, Faith Community Church, in Prague and Ondra led worship! Here is what Phil said about the worship in his recent post:
We had a great time of worship, let by Dorothy, Elizabeth, and Ondra – “Here I am to Worship,” “Arise, My Soul,” and “God of Wonders.” Dorothy was rockin’ on the egg shaker, and Ondra – well, his instrumental during the offering was the most worship-ful part of the service and something I won’t forget.
I am thankful that God has completely inverted the life of Ondra and I can’t wait to get back! Come quickly September (but Lord help me make the most of the time before then!). 😉 Well, I have to get to one of my last days of curriculum for work! Be a revolution today, who knows what God might do!
zhtv #3 – Andrew sharing at Church
As promised (or at least I think I promised it), here is the video footage from a couple of Sundays ago when I had the opportunity to interview one of the guys I have discipled this year. We talked about what God has done in his life, challenges he has had, and about him being excited to attend the Athletes in Action Colorado Project this summer. Please pray for him and many other students as they seek to follow God calling them to these projects this summer! Enjoy the video!
my director and his wife…
So I was uploading the new edition of zhtv and I happened to see a familiar faces a few videos down from my newly uploaded video! Those faces? Billy and Adrianne Crossan! My director and his wife in Czech! So I gather the Netherlands AIA staff put this up and they are coming this July to partner with us to reach Czech! Please pray for it! It sounds great! I wish I could be there but I will be in Ft. Collins, CO for some training this summer. Well, I have to make some important phone calls about the Lions Coming this August, please pray they go well!
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