While reading one of Steve McCoy’s lots-o-links I was taken to a great post, on lessons from a ‘failed church plant’, over at Mike Edwards’ blog, Part of the Story. I know, i know I just posted a post about how blogs rob me, but this blog did no robbing, it actually led to praying and pondering. He, obviously, talked about lessons learned from a “failed church plant” and they were challenging to me, as I always have an eye, or at least a glance out of the corner of my eye, on the future and and hopes/dreams/prayers that I have. These are simple and it would seem that one, who is planting a church, should acknowledge them before hand, but all too often it isn’t until after these things happen, which makes sense, I’m grateful that he had the courage, to help others learn from what God has taught him thus far. Here is the simplified version, but click HERE to read the full post.
- Plant GOSPEL identities, not programs or services.
- Plant TOGETHER, not alone.
- Be faithful, not cool.
- Be humbled, not overconfident.
- Live it as a family FIRST, don’t use your church as a crutch.
- Don’t go after people, pursue the God who will raise them up.
Hey man–thanks for linking. I pray others can join me in the process of learning through our experiences! Looks like you are up to some great stuff.
God bless,
Brother, I love your mind and heart for the Lord. Thank you for serving Christ over there, posting on your blog, and allowing me to be a part of your life! Hopefully we can serve together in the same place some day!