I thought it would be fun to post this picture that I just added to my flickr site from this past weekend. I guess it is a thank you and a shout out to one of my best friends down here in Xenia, OH. It has been a quick year and some change but my good friend, Andy Garrett, (He is the strikingly handsome gentleman to my right in the pic) and I became friends instantly! So much in fact that only 8 months after being friends he gave me the honor of being a groomsmen in his wedding the 28th of this month! This weekend the majority of the groomsmen went out for breakfast and then got fitted for our tuxes. Andy was a great sport and handled the “loving” sarcasm of his groomsmen well! I marvel how God blesses us with friends along the journey. Andy is just one of the many people that I call a friend that I’m humbled to even say that about! Thank you to each of you who I call a friend, who go to bat for me, who love me in spite of myself and so much more! I love you all!
Thanks Dana! You ruined the moment! Gosh! 😉
I like the circle game that you seem to be playing in this picture. It’s so junior high, but I looked so now you get to hit me. BUT after a second look at the picture I’m not sure if it’s really below the waist, which means that you circle is null and void. Ohh well it looks like you guys had lots of fun.
Circle game? Come on Shano? Who do you think I am? Czech it out, I’m actually holding onto the edge of the chair… But I do owe you one! How goes it?
after further review it does appear that you’re hanging on to the chair. At a glance it looks like your playing the circle game. The fun times of junior high.
Shane… Praise God I never have to go back to junior high and the Lord have mercy on my children because if their’s is like mine…. Scary. Pray you’re doing well!