I had intended to get a post up entitled, “the last month of my 20s…” but sadly that moment passed, but I couldn’t let the moment pass to blog on the last week of my 20s. It’s actually been a fun year of being 29 and being around many people (my players) that are much younger and hearing their youthful jeers of me nearing the big 3-0. It’s also been a year of looking forward to what my 30s will bring and embracing the 30 number and knowing that before I know it I will be blogging “the last week of my 30s” (If blogs even exist in 10 years!)! With that realization, I’ve refused to be one of those in the twilights of his 20s that is “drowning in his pool of twenty something self-pities!” So with this last week of my 20s, I’ll embrace being a twenty something for but a few more days and moreover I’ll revel in being a thirty something sooner than later!
“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” -Mark Twain
My players (I’m working with guys as young as 14), have asked me does it scare me, that I’ll be 30 soon. Again this is coming from a teenager, but they are serious. I have twenty something friends who have the same questions. It’s been comedic at times and it has made me ask, “What will it be like not be a twenty something?” But the quote from Mark Twain above seems to sum up how I feel, in that I really don’t mind it. It’s is also amazing, when I see this played out in the lives of many oldER people in my life, who really don’t care how old they are but continue to live in such a beautiful way! So I say to the big 3-0, that will roll into my life Sunday – “BRING IT!” So here’s to “mind over matter!” Have a great week and no matter how old you are BE A REVOLUTION & MAKE A DIFFERENCE THIS WEEK!