“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” Jeremiah 29:7
If you know Míša and I well, you have heard us talk about Jeremiah 29 in the context of our larger calling to Prague and Czech. Verses 4-7 are the verses that God has used to call us here and make decisions on how we will live here and serve here. These verses, their truths and how God has used them in our lives is changing a bit in light of our current situation.
Over the next few days I’m going to share some thoughts from these verses, and how God is using them in our lives now through the nationwide quarantine that Czech is going through and how God is speaking to me and us as a family through this. As I’ve been pondering, reading and studying these verses, I’ve encountered some big questions, even existential questions, and some things that I’m even uncomfortable with. That is a good thing. God is in those questions and uncomfortable feelings.
As I’ve read about this virus and seen the numbers, never did I think that me seeking the welfare of Prague and her citizens would mean that I need to self-quarantine and be mindful when I’m outside about how I interact with people. I never would have thought this in a million years, but the more I read, learn and think about this, one of the best ways I can seek the peace of Prague, and her welfare in the midst of a very contagious virus is to stay home or being very careful if we have to go out. Because my interactions with one person can springboard into infection in ways that I can’t imagine.
So please, before you just blow off the idea of wearing a mask, or wearing gloves, or staying home, or trying to limit physical contact with others, think about others. You are actually pursuing others’ welfare, your welfare, the welfare of your family and the families of each person you could meet. I still don’t have a box for this, but it’s something that is wise, considerate and even loving! Not trying to be preachy, just wanting to share my thoughts of what God is teaching me! Be safe. Be smart. Be considerate. Be healthy.
#ThoughtsFromQuarantine #Quarantined #PrayForThisGreatCity #Chase2020 #teamHARROD #BringOn2020 #Prague #Praha #harrodovi??praha