Here is a zhtv that is a bit different from normal. When Rach and I were trying to get some interviews shot of us we got poured on. We saw rain south of us, but where we were was dry, so I thought it would be cool to time lapse the river (which was very high) while we waited for the storm (mainly thunder) to pass. Well, as you can see the rain made it’s way towards us. Pay attention to the second bridge (Bridge of Legions), beyond Charles Bridge. You see the wall of water coming and then I grab my camera and throw it in the bag. No worries, camera, Rachel and I survived by hiding under a big balloon for an hour+! Thanks for stopping by and as always be a revolution today!
zhtv #23 rain time lapse
Here is a zhtv that is a bit different from normal. When Rach and I were trying to get some interviews shot of us we got poured on. We saw rain south of us, but where we were was dry, so I thought it would be cool to time lapse the river (which was very high) while we waited for the storm (mainly thunder) to pass. Well, as you can see the rain made it’s way towards us. Pay attention to the second bridge (Bridge of Legions), beyond Charles Bridge. You see the wall of water coming and then I grab my camera and throw it in the bag. No worries, camera, Rachel and I survived by hiding under a big balloon for an hour+! Thanks for stopping by and as always be a revolution today!