The bags still have yet to be packed, the taxi comes in 3 hours and 15 minutes (4:00 am!). No fears all is well. Things are coming together well and I have had a really good day in the midst of having a ton of things to do (thanks in large part due to my sweet girlfriend! Thanks Rach!). Stress levels are low, I’m doing good and I have some growing anticipation for this summer and what God will do as I’m back for 5 weeks!
With that said, here’s a little zhtv love for you, before I head out! It’s about coming back this summer and how I would love your help in connecting with people who would want to join US in reaching this city, continent, and country! I hope you enjoy it, even in the midst of me asking for help! As always, know my support page is sitting there waiting to be visited by you or your friends! Thanks for all you do!
Heads up! First stop, Warsaw, IN and the GRENTS (a.k.a. my gangsta talk for grandparents!) and fam for the 4th, then to the Xenia/Dayton, Ohio area for a few days! Stop by to see more dates as they develop! Thanks and be a revolution!