Every now and then, you hear, read about, or watch a story that just moves you and makes you say, “That person/people get(s) it! If more people did that what would our world look like?” I just had another one of those experiences, except this time it came from an old friend. A friend that happened to play left tackle next to me as I played TE my senior year of high school! This friend is no other than Chris Jensen and his awesome wife, Tiffany. They are just flat out loving in a very practical way and it’s being followed by a local news station. Check it out below! Chris and Tiffany I’m so proud of you two and I’m praying for all three of you as you run this weekend! Thank you for inspiring me across the ocean!
[…] long ago, I wrote about my old friend, Chris Jensen, and his friend, Mary. Well, above is the final portion in the […]
Thank you for the sincere words. Mary is an awesome individual with one of the biggest and positives hearts I have ever come across. This is a woman whom chooses to put on faith despite what may deal her. Let me give you and your readers a “what would you do?” question: Let’s say you are walking around your kitchen getting ready to make your afternoon PB&J, when suddenly you lose control over you legs and you go down like a 120 pound pile of bricks! You find yourself helpless, unable to move and no body to pick you up. You cannot reach a phone or yell to the neighbors. You have to wait, wait for hours for someone to come over to scrape you off the floor. What would you do???? I can tell you that I would probably sit on the floor and angrily yell to God, “WHY ME?!?!?!” What DOES (common occurrence) Mary do? She decides to clean the the decade old ketchup stain on the carpet.
This is Mary’s day. A day filled with trials that would send any mere mortal to either hate or love God.
We ask for your prayers and that you ask God if he has put a burden in your heart to help someone like Mary. It may even be Mary herself. She has recently gone through a divorce and has been placed with the burden of paying off thousands of dollars in debt. Did I mention she can’t work? “What does she live on you may ask?” Good question. Unless something happens real soon she will have no where to live, with no money to live on. What moves you today?
Christian and Tiffany Jensen