Ok, I know I’m a dork, but I find this interesting. When Clint did my redesign (THANKS AGAIN CLINT!), we made sure to get Google Analytics kicking with my blog so I can track and see who is reading my blog and etc. For what reason? I’m not sure why, but like I said I find it interesting. So I’m going to share 3 maps with you. Three maps of where I am getting my views from. I’m getting absolutely ZERO love from Africa, South America, Asia, or Antarctica! Sadly… But I’ve been thinking about some unique strategies to get my readership up in Antarctica, while I’ve been on mass transit here in Prague. We shall see…
The first is the good ol’ U.S. of A. (the darker shades of green indicate the highest amount of readers)

I’m not getting much love in a few States, but I was surprised to see that most of the States are some sort of green….

No surprise, I get more love in Eastern Europe than Western.

Here is what Czech looks like. Obviously, I would have far more hits in Prague, than else where in the country. But here is a shout out to the peeps who read my blog in Cesky Tesin, Brno and Ceske Budejovice!
Thanks to all you read my blog! I apologize for being quite this spring. As things get chaotic in my life, this is the first place where you see it played out (and me not folding laundry). Thanks for sticking with me! Here’s to more posts, ZHTVs and etc! Oh, I also have been told recently that my lovely sister’s blog (ZMENA) is more entertaining than mine! I’ve had to pray about this, but after much thought, it’s true her blog is more entertaining. Shoot. Should I begin a Sibling Blog Feud? Hmmmm… We shall see… Muhaha…
UPDATE Before clicking publish, I checked Google Analytics once more and saw that Germany popped up on the grid since yesterday! Hallo aus der Tschechischen Republik und vielen Dank! So here is a shout out to you peeps in Aachen and Halle! Ok, now back to trying to be productive….
wisconsin ROCKS!!!
Wisconsin rocks? I guess… 😉 Rach, it has to be more than just you to be that shade of green, if it’s only b/c of you, you might be reading my blog too much!