While we were up in the Krkonoše mountains for our Novy Zivot Conference, I snapped a few pics from the few days on my new camera, and Christmas present, and I wanted to share them with you! Click HERE for the set or click HERE to view all my pics. I don’t know if you know this, but at the bottom of my site is something that looks like this…

…if you click on it, it will take you to my flickr page, where my pics live. So, if you feel inclined, check that from time to time. Here are some of my favorites from the week.

As you can see, there was a fog laying over the mountains most of the time we were there, which definitely led to some haunting pics of the mountains, the nearby church and anything outside. I was intrigued by the church that was near the hotel we stayed in – read the history of the Protestant church in Upper Herlíkovice here. The history was interesting and as my director’s director, Jim Hynds, sat in the church steeple, prayed, and just shared thoughts, I couldn’t get past the paradox this country and the long history! Here we were in what was orginally a German church, that was taken by Czechs and much more. I sat there thinking about my German dissent and my love for this country – which at times makes me scratch my head, but I’m thankful for it either way! Moreover, it led me to pray with a yearning and anticipation for this country and the whole of Europe like never before. Thanks for stopping by today!