That’s right and you need to check it out! I was tempted to say “Czech it Out” but I have been hear too long to do that, I think… 🙂 So here you go, you have 3 options:
This is our attempt to try to do the “viral marketing” (I guess, “viral recruiting”) thing with the project. Thus the two newest videos that I cranked out. You can find the full video and the teaser in a number of places too!
- VIMEO (which I have a small love affair with, um, not really!) – FULL VERSION or TEASER
- At facebook links above
Ok, I do need to be honest vimeo, rocks my stinkn’ face off! So much sleeker than youtube and it just has a better feel to is. {insert “arrogant mac guy” comment against pcs here;-)} One of the cool features of vimeo is you can download the video! Check it out, it’s in the bottom right hand corner under the stats area. I also hope to get the two videos up on my podcast feed via iTunes soon, so you can rock them on your video iPod too (click the little dude below to subscribe!).

So many options I know! I really hope this helps us with recruiting and that God would use it to call God-loving, passionate, sport-loving, culture engaging Christ-followers here this summer on the summer project and beyond! Pass the word, or video, or link, or whatever might come next on to someone you think might be interested! Thanks and as always – Be a revolution!