Alright, I really need your help! So please, please use the response feature on my blog after you read this and let me know what you think and help me out with some ideas! So I’ve told you before about the Czech Project and us having it here this summer, and we are thinking through curriculum, recruiting, and etc. One of the things on my plate is a 30 second video spot that we will use on youtube, facebook and the web to get people thinking and praying about it. So here is where I need your help, I don’t know what to wrap the video around, themes, how to get people excited and etc. Will you help me? Here are some questions:
- What themes related to an international summer missions trip would get you to consider coming?
- What makes your heart beat?
- What images, sounds, sights would get you thinking and praying about it?
- Flat out, do you have any ideas for me?
Remember it’s only a 30 second piece, but my [our] hope is that it will be something that grabs people and can be a good ‘get to the site and start praying about spending a month here’ type of video. Thanks in advance for your help! I’ll be shooting it and editing it after Christmas. Be a Revolution!
Hey man … well Im thinking out loud here – but push the experience of going to Prague – and not the way “study abroad” does it – make a theme of “Break the Box” so many times we stay in our lives here (or were ever we grew up and never break our box – I even saw this from just going to Chicago for the summer – and maybe use facts -like how much time you sit on a toilet or at a red light or brushing your teeth – then slap them with 30 days in Prague – and BREAK THE FREAKING BOX!! — love ya dude – let me know what you are thinking
I always respond to person on the street commentary. Maybe something about who they think God is and what he means to them. Toss in some stats, some of your experience and a smackling of the georgeous scenery there.
Just my $0.02 worth.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate the help! I’d love for some other peeps to chime in to! I like both ideas. I’m trying to figure out what it will look like. I’m also not wanting to spend a ton of time on this, so I’m trying to figure out how to make it work well and also not take up a ton of time. I’m hoping something quick and somewhat flashy can be used to get peeps interested. So anyone else out there in zachharrod.com reader land have more to add to this discussion? Thanks again Adam and Andy! You guys rock! Give my love and Merry Christmas to the peeps up in O-Town!