These two rock! In a couple of months they will be Mr. and Mrs. Josh Radcliffe, but right now they are still Emily McQuinn and Joshua Radcliffe. If you look close at this picture above you can see that they are in the middle of my dear home, Prague, which is where Josh proposed to Emily! Josh went above and beyond and has forever raised the bar for us single men all over the world when it comes to proposals, click here to read Emily’s account. Anyway, they are an awesome couple and I love them for many reasons, but this morning when I got their invitation to their wedding I had to check out their website, emilyandjosh.com, and I was very surprised to read the “giving” page, which says:
PLEASE, NO GIFTS!!!!!!!! In lieu of gifts, we would ask that you make a contribution to a ministry that we believe in and support. Below we’ve provided you a list of a few ministries that we are personally involved in and hold close to our hearts. This list is not complete… feel free to donate to a ministry that you may hold close to your heart!
What? Are you serious? So cool… Well, I was blown away to see my name, a short explanation of what things look like here and links to my website and my giving page with Crusade. How very cool and how very humbling. Thank you not for only simply supporting me yourselves, or for including me in on this but moreover for setting an example that blows my mind away! Josh and Emily, you humbled me, brought conviction to my life, blessed me and so much more this morning as I read this. Thank you…!