So in my last post I said I was going to try to snap some snowy pics of the city before it melted off. It was a success, but I was disappointed because we had much more snow at our place;

than we had downtown. It’s interesting to see how much a difference there can be between the amounts in such a short distance. Here are some of my favorites from the morning. Hopefully, as the Christmas decs come out we will get dumped on and I can snap some more. Enjoy these!

I hope you enjoyed these! As always you can see more pics by going all the way to the bottom right of this page and click on the flickr link. Blessings…
actually, magical…. š
“That show was delightful. No. No. It was brilliant. No, no, no, no. There is no word to describe its perfection, so I am forced to make one up. And IĆ¢ā¬ā¢m going to do so right now. Scrumtrelescent.”
-Will Ferrell playing James Lipton on Inside the Actor’s Studio
That’s what I thought of when I saw your picsĆ¢ā¬āscrumtrelescent.
Peace yo.
beautiful dawg. reminds me of Purdue University. ur pretty much the man.