Good morning from the Amsterdam airport! I can’t believe I’m actually on this side of the ocean! All last night I had this very, very numb feeling. I had the thought, “Is this really happening?” Then when I shook my daze from a very limited night of sleep and realized it has and is happening! Seeing people eating Big Macs and french fries fries for breakfast was an immediate wake up call, “I’m back in Europe!” It’s funny, I have felt like I fit in more just walking around in the airport. It’s interesting how much more I feel at home in the European culture than I do my “home” culture. Well, I only paid for 30 minutes of internet, because it is way more expensive than it should be (another sign I’m in Europe), sorry I didn’t get a quick vodcast up while I’m chilling here. It was my hope to, but time doesn’t allow it. In just a few short hours I will be here…

Ah, Praha… Home.
Praha? Wait, I thought you were going to Prague!?
I jest.