I read a great post over at glocal.net, entitled Stop “Tinkerin†With the Church!. Here is a piece of it, but read the rest by clicking here.
Your church is only as good as your disciples–not your preacher! If you want to tinker with something, tinker with the disciple. How do we create a culture of the kingdom so people will engage it in a daily manner? What is a disciple? How do we move from information transfer to behavioral transformation–what we call T-Life at NorthWood? Tinker with the society if you want to tinker with something. How do we connect disciples and society? I’m obsessed with the Kingdom of God, the transformation that it brings. I believe this is what it takes to see the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We’ve thought it was the sinners’ prayer. It’s much more than that. It must be a transformed life that transforms others and communities.
To see my thoughts check out the comment I made over at the post. Have a great long weekend!