Prayer Request for 4 days out – Transition – It’s funny the last two years I’ve been back in the States I really have looked at what I am currently going through as old hat. I figured this move and transition would be just like my move and transition for STINT back in 2004. Wow was I wrong! This has been totally different from anything I know. Whether it was the movers coming last week to take my books and commentaries (amongst much more) or the fact that come next Tuesday I will sign a 3 year lease on a flat (apartment)! Very, very different… So today prayer request is for this transition. A Psalm that is hitting home right now in the midst of all of this is Psalm 63:8,
My soul clings to you;
your right hand upholds me.
I have been praying that as much of this is uncharted waters for me that my soul would cling to the Lord and that I would continually fall into His grace. Please join me in praying for this… Thank you for being in the fight with me! Your prayers are precious to me!