I spent some time with my Grandparents over the past week and was blessed. I have some amazing G-rents! My G-Ma (Grandma) and I enjoyed watching several Cubbies’ games and we also got on our Bears gear to cheer for them in the midst of Colts country! She’s die-hard! I love you G-Ma and G-Pa!
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Thank you Zach. Enjoyed having you. Will think of you when you are enjoying the next Bears game. Love you. Grandma
You will have to find a cubs/bears pub when you get to the Czech….. Wait….. I think I found your calling!
Seriously though. . . I’m glad you had fun with your G-parents
Shane it’s Navy! Navy! Not blue… It is only a matter of time before you see the light! 😉
G-Ma! Was excited to see you add a response! I love you guys a ton!
Thanks for writing this.