If you watch anything as far as travel these days you will notice that Prague is moving up the list of “must see” destinations in Europe. Which I love but also hate. Love because I want people experience Prague and I also want Prague to grow in influence over culture in Europe. Hate because tourist can drive you nuts! I was informed by my friend (Thanks Tricia) about Yahoo Travel’s article entitled, Save Money With These Alternatives to Popular European Cities. Czech out what was at the bottom:
a buck a pint? is it any good? Germany is known for its beer…what about Czech?
One of the two questions every Czech man will ask an American men is, “What do you think of our beer?” It is probably one of the things they are most proud of. They say Czech rivals Germany and Belgium.
I’d agree with that last statement…even just from what I’ve had from those regions in the States.
hey, hey, watch what you say about tourists! we wouldn’t be able to stay here in prague if it weren’t for them…(but honestly, they bug us just a little bit, too).
excited for your arrival!
Okay, hate is a strong word. How about “love less”? I can’t wait to get there! Pray you guys are doing well!
I strongly agree with the author at the expense of tourists.But do not forget that Prague is the city of tourists and students.
P.S. The first comment-Czech beer more famous in Europe than German.