I enjoy keeping up with Czech news via an English speaking news paper in Prague – The Prague Post – and every now and then they have an article that serves as confirmation for why I believe God is calling me to Czech, but specifically Prague. Over the last two years I have had a growing conviction that Christians need to focus on the cities. With the idea that if you reach the City, you reach it all. It definitely was Paul’s approach, see Acts 17 1-9 where Paul and his crew pass through Amphipolis and Apollonia and go to Thessalonica. Were there not people in Amphipolis and Apollonia that needed to hear about Jesus? Of course there were, but Paul’s method was to reach the City and then reach the countryside. I’ve also been growing in conviction through Tim Keller and Mark Driscoll (A Biblical Theology of the City, Christ and the city, Planting a Church in the City, Leadership Lessons from Nehemiah (Part 1), Leadership Lessons from Nehemiah (Part 2), Advancing the Gospel into the 21st Century Part IV: City-Focused Strategy) that we, Christians, NEED to be in the Urban contexts throughout the world to reach the world. Especially since the cities are swelling, the U.N. recently reported, “Some 3.3 billion people will live in cities by 2008, a report by the U.N. population agency report said. By 2030, the number of city dwellers is expected to climb to 5 billion.” (see ARTICLE)
Anyway, back to why we need to be in Prague. I truly believe that the impact Prague will have on Europe and the rest of the world will only increase and a recent article I read at the Prague Post affirms this thought. The article is entitled, “Prague schools attractive to East Students from former Soviet bloc storming the Czech capital.” Needless to say it caught my eye. Here are a few interesting quotes, for the whole article click HERE.
Prague is fast becoming a top destination for many students from former Soviet countries seeking a Western-accredited university degree, which, most agree, helps open a lot of career doors. With numerous U.S. universities choosing Prague as the location for their overseas campuses, word is quickly spreading throughout the Central and East European region of the affordable “Western-style†education available in the Czech capital.
Nonetheless, students at these universities are confident that their education in this city will help them towards a better future. “The truth is, I would recommend [studying in Prague] to anyone who wants to work hard, gain practical skills, learn English and get useful and necessary knowledge for her or his career,†said Oliverius.
As I read this article excitement and anticipation filled my heart! There are students from all over the world (I met many Africans who were also studying in Prague besides other European countries) coming to Prague to seek knowledge and we have the opportunity to help them seek true knowledge!
“Christians need to focus on the cities”…AMEN!!!!