Last night was great! I love those moments where you sense God so clearly moving and using you! They are great! Oh, I guess I should tell you what actually happened last night. AIA has an 8 week summer project, called the AIA Colorado Project, with 25 student-athletes from across the country here in Ft. Collins every summer to grow in relationship with God and much more. I have a special place in my heart for this project because I was a participant back in 2001 and God changed my heart that summer. It was that summer that God ignited my heart for the world! It was in that meeting room that I spoke in last night that I heard a talk 6 years ago that God used to propel me into the World and give me the heart of a World Christian.
So last night I had 7 of my XTRACK friends (THANKS FOR COMING GUYS, YOU ROCK!) join me for the International Night at the project. The 8 of us spoke of 6 different regions of the world that God has called us to and then I finished with a 25 minute talk from Acts 1:8, entitled Does Jesus Expect Me to Change the World? I would love to give you a run down of it but I can’t today. But you can click HERE and download my keynote presentation in PDF format and also you can click HERE to see my short 10 minute presentation about Eastern Europe and Czech.
Before wrapping this post up I do want to share with you what I was praying for and why I was so excited about last night. First off, having the opportunity to be used by God to, Lord-willing, help people have an appropriate heart for the Nations that mirrors God’s heart gets me fired up. The reason being is that percaptia each year the United States sees many entering full-time ministry and of those approximate 100 that enter less than 10 will leave our boarders to do full-time ministry. My director in Czech, Billy Crossan, often describes it like this, “If you were to see 10 men carrying a huge telephone pole and there were 8 on one end and 2 on the other, which side would you help with?” THE SIDE THAT HAD TWO PEOPLE, right? I hope so! But this doesn’t happen with the number of U.S. full-time missionaries and it certainly doesn’t happen with the amount of money given to World Missions! So it gets me fired up to be used to open people’s eyes to this.
The second reason I get so fired up is that I know that the sky is the limits if some of these students or staff were to follow God’s call and go. Who knows what God would do! I can only dream of the changed lives across the globe! I get giddy thinking of what God could do to add to His Revolution that is known to us as Christianity. I just don’t get excited about them going but also being proactive to pray for the nations, to support the reaching of the nations, and to look for international students right here in America to reach! Because after all HAVING A HEART FOR THE NATIONS ISN’T AN ADD-ON OR SOMETHING WE DO ONCE AND CHECK OFF A LIST! IT MUST BE A CONSTANT BECAUSE IT IS A CONSTANT ON THE HEART OF JESUS!
Lastly, I was fired up about last night because I pray that God would help our organization, Athletes in Action, have a greater heart for the nations and sending to the Nations. We send lots of summer tours, which are great, but they aren’t enough! Going in for a few weeks playing a few games and seeing some people come to Christ is great, BUT IT’S NOT ENOUGH. “Why?” you ask. Well, what happens after the team leaves? I pray for AIA often that we would be sending STINTers out for 1-2 years and that we would have more than one person going long-term every now and then. I believe when organizations, churches and movements make SENDING to the Nations a priority God honors that.
WOW, I got excited. I have to get going, but I would love to hear your thoughts, so use the response feature and let us hear it. May God move in your heart and my heart to see how we can be part of what He is doing across the globe! Below you will find a vodcast from John Piper. I used this last night because in so many ways Dr. Piper hits it on the head when it comes to World Missions! May we not be disobedient (watch the video to see what I mean)!
[…] opportunity, with some of my friends from the my training, to share about Eastern Europe and then I did a talk, in the same room that a heart for the Nations was birthed in me, about that very topic. Little did […]
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