Bad News – I received an email from my coach over in Prague with some bad news at the start of the week. I can’t believe after all the work and many ways many of you came through for this trip that I am saying this, but the Lions have canceled the trip. The email I received from my coach was simple and said they had canceled because of a lack of interest. I’m not sure what’s going on over there. I have yet to have any more contact with anyone. Needless to say I am a bit bummed and frustrated with this. Thank you for wanting to help out in anyway you could. It means a ton to me.
In hindsight I can see that tracks have been laid for the future. I will try to pitch this to the team in the near future as I move back to Prague to work with AIA long-term late this summer. So please keep this on your plate for the future and we will see what happens.
I do want to invite each of you to ask more questions about how you can still help me reach, arguably, the most atheistic country in the world through our work with AIA in Czech. One of the reasons, I was so excited about this trip was the opportunity to give people like you a scope of what God is doing in Czech and share our vision with you.
So once again, Thank You for all your help. If you could please pass this information on to anyone else that may have been involved in the process that would be greatly appreciated. Blessings to you… -zach
dang. sorry dude.