Yes, indeed I’m in transit. What’s new, huh? I’m just about to crash hard at a Best Western in Lincoln, NE after a 7 + hour drive from my parent’s today. It was a great drive! I got to pray, catch up with some friends, and listen to some great podcasts! Tomorrow, I will head out and travel to the Denver airport and then catch a plane to San Jose, CA. Then a friend, Jason Roeder, who is a pastor, in San Jose will meet me there and I will spend 6 days in Cali! Jason has been a blessing and he has worked out a vacation for me and some support stuff too! I’m really excited for a vacation! It has been awhile since I had a “real” vacation. Whatever that is! Please pray that the next few days are refreshing and also that what Jason has been working on with support and etc. will work out. Thank you!
I love California
Tell me how you like San Jose…I think I might like to live around there someday…no seriously.
Will do. I’m just chilling at my friend’s house right now. Thanks for the message last night. Yeah, I think the deal is that my site is 6 hours ahead or something so when I post in the evening it posts the next day. Sorry for the confusion!