So I am in the midst of packing and throwing away stuff! Sounds fun, huh? I’m trying to get as much of my stuff as I can out of my parent’s house and at the same time figure out what I will need to ship to Prague come the end of the summer. Yes, I’m packing for the “big move” 3 months in advance! But anyway, as I was going through some books and I found this week’s quote of the week written on scrap piece of paper!
God is preparing His heroes and when opportunity comes, He can fit them into their place in a moment and the world will wonder where they came from. – A.B. Simpson
I’m not sure where I found this quote some years ago, but it’s good! So here is the question that will accompany this week’s quote, “What do you feel God is preparing you for? Where might he insert you in a moment?” Respond away. For other quotes of the week, click here and here.
Abe Simpson…Homer’s dad…if you say the quote in his voice it makes more sense…or not…
I feel like God is preparing me to lead in a bigger way than I am right now.