streptococcal pharyngitis – a.k.a – strep throat = NO FUN!
There you have what has been going on in my life the last oh 36 hours! I don’t know what is up but I’ve been sick more times in the past year since I’ve moved here than I did throughout my two years living overseas and college combined! Needless to say it is a bit frustrating. I was at the doctor’s for two hours and I got a big shot to the “hip” and now I have some drugs that should knock this thing out! But I realized that these drugs don’t provide immediate relief. Case in point, last night was the worst night of sleep ever! I woke up freezing, but I didn’t want to get out of bed. An hour later my sheets were soaked with my own sweat. This vicious cycle continued throughout the night and now I have the zombie gaze at the NFL Network on my tv. I’d appreciate some prayers that God would knock this out quick, because if things work out, Lord-willing, my days here in Ohio and the guys I work with our limited and I want to take advantage of the days I have left. Oh, last night at 9:00 pm the initial evaluator of my international application with Campus Crusade’s International Human Resources called to interview me. I wasn’t in the best state of mind, but I pray that I said what was needed. Pray also for this application I should know next week as the final evaluator gets my application. Okay, I need to go pass out. Thanks…