Why are Chicago sport’s fans so cynical? Did you watch the game tonight? That is all I have to say. Our “Super Bowl” QB fumbling the snap not once, but twice! (For the record I was one of Rex’s biggest supporters and thought Lovie made the right move to stand by him.) Cynical. I will be honest with you all – “I need to pray.” It is true it is only a game, but its tough when you cheer and support for a team(s) and they are let downs when it matters! So I need to pray and look for the good in this! Here is a little verse that I am thinking of right now!
The haughty looks of man shall be brought low, and the lofty pride of men shall be humbled, and the Lord alone will be exalted in that day. Isaiah 2:11
I might have been haughty and prideful about my Bears and God has brought me low, but either way my prayer is that whether the Bears or the Colts won this game tonight I wanted God to be lifted up and be exalted this evening. The pain was too intense to watch the Bears not receive the goods, but I was told that Tony (as expected) pointed to Jesus! That gets me stoked! So if the Bears were to lose they lost to the right Coach! Okay I need to go pray and sulk a bit and sleep this loss off! Congrats Coach Dungy, the Colts, and all you Colts fans. Until next year…
I thought the halftime show was awesome. Did you see Prince (wait, or should I say ‘symbol’) rock it behind the light up sheet. I’m his biggest fan!!!!!
Are you serious? You liked the half-time show? Your killing me! All in all last night was sub-par (unless your a Colts fan)! The commercials were sad, the pre-game stuff was odd, the game was sloppy, Prince creeps me out a bit, and my Bears stunk up the field! Sad. But I since your sarcasm, at least I hope it is sarcasm. For the record the Lord has brought some great healing to my idolatrous heart since last night!
That was total sarcasm!!!!!
Praise God! I was wondering about you for a second! Thanks for calling yesterday. It was good to here a sympathetic voice. You rock bro! We will have to connect soon!