Good evening, or should I say good morning. I just rolled back into my crib (a.k.a. my house, or place of residence) and I thought I would log on the net to check my email and a few blogs. And to my delight I found a massive entry about the claims of the resurrection over at Driscoll’s blog.
One of the things that draws me to the teaching and writing of Driscoll is that he was impacted by Jesus as a 19-year-old college freshman, just as I was. Whenever I hear his story I hear bits of me and my story of coming into relationship with Jesus. So when he talks about looking for the evidence to actually believe that a man rose from the dead 2,000 years ago it hits home. In my life it played out a couple years after I had made a decision to follow Christ. One morning I woke up and I was staggering with doubt. It is the weighable evidence that is found in Scripture and outside of Scripture that God used to give me peace. Here is the intro paragraph to Driscoll’s post and click here for the rest.
Jesus Christ was born nearly 2000 years ago in very humble circumstances to a young teenage virgin girl named Mary. Jesus life on the earth was a mere 33 years, and only three of those years were spent doing ministry and teaching publicly. Jesus never traveled more than two hundred miles from his home, never held a political office, never married or had children, never wrote a book, never ran a company, and never made much money. Yet, today Christianity which is the religion left in His wake is the largest world religion with nearly 2 billion people who claim to be Christians and worship Jesus as their God.