I wish I could go the National Resurgence Conference 2008: Text & Context, but alas I'm on the wrong side of the pond! It's a very cool promo video though and I look forward to listening to ALL the sessions for free on the Resurgence site! I hope … [Read more]
My Support/Info Video about what I do with American football here in Prague has had more than 1,000 views! Wow! That's cool... I am taken back when I think of how small this world is because of technology and all the cool things I can do with my … [Read more]
zhtv #7 – furniture assembly
let the shame begin…
So I've been faked out two days in a row with my Czech class. I thought yesterday was going to be the first day, but it was just registration and a placement test. Then today I was geared up and it was just an "orientation" day. I'm pretty sure it … [Read more]
zhtv #6 flat tour
My internet coverage has been a bit spotty as I've arrived back. Sorry about the blog silence. Here is another addition of zhtv. So you know you can subscribe to my podcast/vodcast via iTunes, click HERE. This episode is a quick tour of my flat … [Read more]
in amsterdam…
Good morning from the Amsterdam airport! I can't believe I'm actually on this side of the ocean! All last night I had this very, very numb feeling. I had the thought, "Is this really happening?" Then when I shook my daze from a very limited night … [Read more]
countdown, it’s here!
countdown, tomorrow!
Prayer Request for 1 day out - My walk with Christ - I think the biggest prayer I have, beyond seeing fruit, learning the language, the big transition, the unpacking of the large vision God has placed on my heart and seeing it come to fruition, and … [Read more]
countdown, the day after tomorrow…
Prayer Request for 2 days out - Disciples. "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them … [Read more]
it’s the disciple, not the preacher!
I read a great post over at glocal.net, entitled Stop “Tinkerin†With the Church!. Here is a piece of it, but read the rest by clicking here. Your church is only as good as your disciples–not your preacher! If you want to tinker with … [Read more]
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